Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ivy Rose/Green Card Fundraiser

To be able to raise my baby girl in the United States, not only will I need to qualify for healthcare but I will need to be ale to work to provide for Ivy financially & keep a roof over our heads. She is due in December, but unless I can raise the money for my Green Card by the time I am seven months pregnant, I will be too far along to fly & she will have to be born in America. The only problem is I HAVE to be able to take care of her at that point, & I couldn't take her to England after she's born until #1 I have dual citizenship for her and #2 She is at least six to nine months old. That is a long time to be staying here with no way of taking care of my baby girl. That is why I have a deadline to not only raise the money for my Green Card so I can qualify for Medicaid & WIC & legally work here, but to ensure a roof over my head & have most of our basic needs covered. We need to not only raise about $200 for my British Passport so I can get my TIN, but $1,500 for my Green Card. The money needs to go towards my Passport FIRST so I can get my Green Card & TIN. Email me about who to make any checks payable to but cash works just as well.

I know this is a lot to ask, but I want to be the best Mother I can be, & I want nothing more than to be able to take care of this little person & be someone she can rely on. I need your help. I need to keep a roof over my head & have the money by the end of September for my Green Card or I will have to say goodbye to everyone here that I know & love that want so badly to be a part of Ivy's life & try to make it on my own in England. If anybody has any odd jobs that I can still phsically do in my condition to cover my rent, please let me know. I can clean, babysit.. anything that won't put me into premature labor or hurt my baby. And if anyone has any money they can spare to go towards my Green Card, or any baby girl items they can donate, it would be greatly appreciated.

My friend Kim will be taking most of the donations for me, as my transportation is extremely limited - so if you have anything you can give her for my baby girl, you can email me & we will provide you with a phone number or address.

I would greatly appreciate it if this can be taken seriously, without any rude, unnecessary remarks. Being an illegal immigrant, I am not in the position to take care of this baby without the help that only you can give. I've made mistakes in the past, but I've sacrificed a lot for this little girl & I'm trying to get to the point where I can take care of the both of us without any charity. In the meantime, please invite anyone you think would or could help. Thank you.

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