Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wonderful Things

I'm so proud of Shaun & I. We've come so far & made so many good changes that if it weren't for our baby girl, we probably never would have made them in the first places. Anyone who has every said that having a baby ruins your life obviously didn't appreciate the benefits of making these necessary sacrifices. I feel so much healthier, Shaun seems so much happier, we've both learned to work a lot harder & face difficult decisions & we've learned who we can trust & rely on & who doesn't deserve to be a part of our lives.  Something that I couldn't be more grateful for, because now we have some of the most faithful friends we've ever had & I can't wait for them to be a part of our baby's life as well.

I love seeing how all the changes we've made have affected our life. Shaun's finally in the GED program at Stevens Henager & has been working his ass off to find a job to support our little family. I've given up so many things that I thought I couldn't live without, even though they only ever brought me down. I've chosen better friends, I've learned to be a lot less selfish & to put my little girl & my fiancée before myself. I've learned to appreciate so many things & people that I took for granted, & I can honestly say that I'm starting to love life.
I never would have been able to say that before, & even though my life isn't ideal... even though we don't have our own place or a well paying job or a car, we have family that looks out for us, we have friends that will go out of their way to help us where they can, we have a lot more than we had when we didn't appreciate anything. We have a roof over our head & the ability to look for work more often & thats a lot more than we had a month ago. Not to mention, we have each other's support & unconditional love... & that more than anything is going to push us to work harder & stay positive so we can get accomplish our goals & start a more stable & secure life together.

I love who we've become. I love who we're becoming, & I love seeing the changes we've made & the incredible people who come into our life as a result of those changes. I love our baby, & I love the opportunity to build a better future together & to have our sweet little Ivy there with us. I might not have everything I could ever dream of, but I have everything that makes me happy & that's the most important thing.

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