Friday, July 27, 2012

Staying Strong

Even though everything is so complicated right now, looking at this perfect little angel's face makes all the hard work worth it. I love knowing that she belongs to us... that we made something so small & perfect that will share our DNA & some of our features & our traits. It's not something I ever really thought about before, but every day that passes, I get closer to being a Mummy, & it pushes me to work harder than ever.

We're lucky to have so many good friends helping us out. Kim is giving us a crib & a changing table for Ivy & a bed so we have something to sleep on once we get our own place. Delynn gave us a couple couches & dressers, & HOH will be helping us out today with some hygienic products & hopefully some bus passes. Now all we need is some work & a place to live.

At least we have a roof over our heads in the meantime, & the ability to save the money needed for an apartment. It's going to get harder, & I know that. I'm worried, because even the easier things have been a lot harder on me than they would be if my emotions weren't through the roof. I have Shaun to keep me somewhat balanced, & I have our little Ivy Rose to stay strong for. One we have fought our way through the rest of this bullshit, it'll be worth it. I honestly can't wait.

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