Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Own Place

 I can't wait until we have our own space. It's been so long since we've had somewhere we could actually call our own. Not that I mind being here at my Mum's but sometimes I miss having a closet to hang my clothes in & a bed to curl up on.I miss being able to do laundry on my own time & the privacy of doors. I'd give anything to have that again.

Hopefully Shaun can get this job situated so that we can start saving for an apartment. We've been living off of other people for too long. It's time we started taking care of ourselves. If we can get a place, we can finally start our lives together. Thankfully, with Delynn giving us all this furniture we won't have to get much together to make our space feel like a home. I'm honestly more excited to move than I've ever been, because I know that everything will be hanging for the best & our baby will be coming home to a real home. Something Shaun & I haven't had in a long time.

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