Friday, July 27, 2012

My Heart is Happier Because You're inside it

I love the simple things in life the most. I love sleeping in, wrapped in my finance's arms. I love drinking iced coffee for breakfast & watching Doctor Who with my family once a week. I love writing about the things I love, & I love it when people acknowledge my passion for writing. I could sit here all day & name off everything I love, but I'd much rather spend it with the people I love doing the things I love.

I'm so incredibly lucky. It's hard not to brag about my luck sometimes, because even though I've been through a load of bullshit, I've had some pretty incredible experiences & met so many fascinating people. I've had the opportunity to travel & learn  & live a life that not many people could begin to imagine living, & I'm so so grateful for that. I honestly can't wait to see what life has for me next. It never ceases to surprise me, & that's what I love most about it.

I'm especially lucky to have Shaun. Somebody who loves me more than I ever thought could be possible. He's made me a better person. A happier person... & I love him with all my heart. 

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