Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Break

 I just need a break. A long vacation with absolutely no siblings, no noise, & no communication from the outside world. That would be pure bliss. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in the real world with my obnoxious little sisters bickering at each other non stop, stressing about finding work, finding an apartment, sending off for my passport, coming up with the money to afford my passport, sorting out medicaid paperwork & sending that off, & the joy of standing by the freeway one again to afford bus fare. I fucking LOVE my life.

It would be so much easier if I had somebody hired to cater to my every need. Then I could relax all day with Shaun & my only worry would be keeping myself & the baby healthy. If I could live like that, I'd become incredibly lazy. In fact, with as restless as I've been the past few weeks, I don't think I could handle that. I like being progressive. I like getting things done & having a good reason to be proud of my achievements. I couldn't enjoy that if I were to sit on my arse all day.

Speaking of being progressive, I have actually gotten some laundry done today. Not only that, but I helped Shaun with the kitchen & I tidied both the living room & the library. A feat I usually wouldn't have the energy for. Despite the depression, the past couple days I've had a lot more motivation to get things done. It's probably due to the fact that we have wasted too much time. We'll be on the brink of homelessness again if we don't start working harder. Shaun absolutely has to find work, or by the time Mum has to move, we'll be out on the streets again unless by some miracle they can afford a slightly bigger house to accommodate us.

I don't know how on earth we're going to manage. All I know is that as long as we have each other, we'll be okay. We always are in the end. Wish us luck!

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