Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gifts from Grandma

These onesies are just so cute! Mum took me out yesterday after orientation for my GED to get something for the little Gremlin. Now we just have to pray that we're right about the gender, considering we don't find out until next week!

The doctor's appointment on Tuesday went well. We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again, which is getting more distinct every time. I've been feeling him/or her move so much more lately too! It's getting stronger every day & half the time it's hard to concentrate with all that movement going on in there. I can't imagine what it'll be like once the baby is bigger!

Well, it's only one week until we find out if we're having an Ivy or a Liam. I know what we're hoping for, but either way... it's our baby & boy or girl, it'll get just as much love :D

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