Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ivy Rose Bills

I can't believe it... it's all so real now that we know. I honestly couldn't get the massive smile off of my face during the ultrasound, & even now it's hard to hide it! From the very first day I found out that I was having a baby, I knew exactly what the gender would be. Now that we know for sure, I can't wait to buy anything & everything I can get my hands on. Shaun will have to hold me back - that is if he isn't spoiling her himself! She's going to be quite the little princess. OH MY GOD we're having a GIRL!!!

I just can't believe I'm this lucky. Not only do I have incredibly supportive parents who have been so great, helping us out like they have & being patient when I break down, but I have some truly great friends who have stuck with me through everything & forgiven me for every stupid stunt I've ever pulled... & I have Shaun.

He has been there through more than any guy ever has for me, he's been patient & understanding & loving, & even though he tries to hide it, his soft & squishy side has really helped me when I just needed somebody to cry to or somebody to listen. He's everything to me, & he's going to be the most incredible Daddy to our little Ivy. I'm so lucky to have him. I would say that I can't wait to start a life with him, but we've already started one, & we're getting the best thing it has to offer. Our baby girl.

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