Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Would it Take?

I can't believe its April already. Ivy is growing so fast & learning so quickly that I can hardly keep up! In the past week she has learned to roll all the way over & then back again, she knows how to scoot until something its in her reach & she's learning to sit up (I have to help her stay sitting up), but it blows my mind how someone so tiny can do so much. She's getting kinda chubby too. I love it!

Even in the midst of all this chaos, she still helps me stay grounded. She never ceases to make me smile & playing with her & watching her grow a little more every day brings so much joy into my life. That little girl has wrapped herself around my heart, & I couldn't think of anything more important to fight for. Although I know that I have to fight for my happiness as well as hers, her happiness makes me so much happier.

I made myself a promise that I'd get my GED, my drivers license, buy a car, & get on my feet by her first birthday, & I intend to keep that promise. She deserves a better life, & I'll do everything in my power to give it to her. Its going to be a tough year, but luckily I have an incredible support system to help me through it all, & Ivy has so many that love her & will help me ensure that all of her needs are met. Its tough being a single Mum, but it is SO rewarding! Getting my SSN is going to open up so many doors for us, & if one of those doors is a fresh start, I'll take it. I'm not the same person I was a year ago, or even four months ago, & I'm not going to spend the rest of my life with the people who are convinced that people don't change.

Change is possible. It just takes determination, motivation, & something that makes it all worth it. Ivy is worth changing my attitude, my lifestyle, & my environment for. What would it take to change your life? You can email me your life changing stories to sweetliltragedy@gmail.com & I will be happy to share them!

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