Friday, April 12, 2013

Eat. My. Shorts.

I don't think I will ever understand why so many individuals are so invested in finding out the dirty details of others lives. Don't they have anything better to do? Are their own lives so boring that their only source of entertainment is to poke their noses into everyone elses business? I'm happy, if that's what you're wondering? I'm in a reelationship, but I'm sure you already knew that. I'm sure you probably think that it's a rebound, or that I'm just the kind of girl who jumps at the chance to get knocked up again... um... NOT.

I've spent quite some time thinking about the direction I'm taking my life in, & I'm proud of the decisions I'm making. Is that what you wanted to hear? Or are you waiting for those drunk posts about random hook ups & getting high with people I met online? Because I'm not that person. I never have been, & if that's what you're waiting to hear, I look forward to disappointing you. I'm not letting anyone determine the life that I lead.

Despite my struggle as an undocumened immigrant, I'm finally getting my SSN & my Green card this summer, I'm enrolled in adult high school & will be getting my GED, I have a job lined up & although unemployed, still manage to meet my daughters needs. I'm dating the only guy that ever fought for me & was patient enough to wait for me to realize that the last relationship I was in just wasn't meant to be, & I am lucky enough to have the support of an incredible organization who will never allow me or Ivy to go without if we are in need, I have a loving family who (in case you didn't already know), are NOT practicing polygamy or living in a polygamist community, & the only friends I have are responsible, trustworthy, & don't lie or steal from me or the people I love. I'm at a pretty good point in my life, which is more than I can say for those who have nothing better to do than read my blog & scoff at me. Now if that isn't embarrassing, I don't know what is ;)

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