Sunday, April 14, 2013

Never a Failure, Always a Lesson

That's what my next tattoo will say... Its something I'm trying to live by these days, & something that has helped make me a much stronger person. I've learned that I can't take back my mistakes, but I can always learn from them. I can't live in the past, & I won't beat myself up anymore. I'm confident in the decisions I'm making, because they are based on the well being of my daughter as well as myself. I can't live to please others. I will stand by what I believe is best for Ivy. She is my whole world, & I will only keep company that understands that & supports me in it. I'm proud of who I am today, & I'm proud to say that I'm doing everything in my power to be a good Mum. What anyone else thinks or believes is irrelevant.

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