Friday, March 8, 2013

Promises We Couldn't Keep

Just a little something I wrote a while ago that I found in a box that was buried in the garage. Its kind of personal, at least to me.. But I thought I'd share it for old times sake.

I promise to live every day as if it were our last day on Earth together, cherishing every moment regardless of the trials we face. I will be understanding & forgiving, knowing that neither of us are perfect but that working through or mistakes together is what makes our relationship so incredibly beautiful. I will treat you with the highest respect & strive every day to show you how much I appreciate you & everything you do for our daughter as well as myself. I will always be there to pick up the pieces & hold you together when the world seems like its falling apart. I will never let you feel like you aren't enough, because in my eyes you & our beautiful daughter are my everything. I will always be honest & faithful, because not only do you know me better than anyone ever has, but nobody could ever compare to the man you are to me. I know I will never be safer or happier than I am when I'm in your arms, & I couldn't be more grateful to have such a dedicated Father to or daughter or a more incredible husband to grow old with. You are the best luck I ever had & I can't wait to see what else life has to offer. Nothing will ever compare to the joy I get, knowing that I'm going to wake up every day for the rest of my life in my best friend's arms. Everything about you is so perfectly fitted to who I am. You are the piece of the puzzle that I didn't know was missing until you walked into my life. I love the way you encourage me to pursue my dreams & push me when I lose faith in myself. I love how you helped me to see the world differently, with all of is potential rather than all the negativity that I was struggling to crawl out of. You have my life meaning. You proved to me that love truly does exist, & you've helped me before a better, stronger happier person. I love you with every piece of me & I am proud to call you my best friend.

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