Sunday, March 3, 2013

It Burns

So much for family. As if I haven't been lied to enough by people that I've loved... Now I'm bring lied to by somebody who I should have been able to trust & respect. Somebody that should be thinking about his children before himself. If he wants to choose somebody that has only ever hurt his family over his own children, then fine... But he's going to lose me & Ivy.

It hurt more than anything when he turned to me & asked how I could have been so stupid to love Shaun after everything he had done, but he did the same thing to his family & then wondered why we weren't embracing him. I wasn't stupid to believe that somebody could change for the better... I was stupid to watch him continue making the same mistakes without taking a stand. I will always love my Dad, but he burned me more than Shaun ever did & that is something I'm not sure I could ever forgive.

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