Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Could Use Somebody... Someone Like You

I think we are finally starting to work things out... At least, I hope so. I have a lot of wrongs to make up for & we both have a lot of wounds that are going to take quite some time to heal, but I'm not giving up on him. He's given me chances I didn't deserve over & over again, & when it contra down to it... He's worth the fight. He's the only guy I know that would never lie to me, cheat on me, or walk out on me. He's always been that guy, & he understands that I don't wasn't somebody to replace Ivy's Father, cause nobody ever will. I don't want her to be raised with any false ideas about who her Dad is, but that doesn't mean that I can't ever be with someone because they aren't her Dad. I'm allowed to be happy, & he makes me happy... I don't have any intention of giving up on somebody who's never given up on me. Maybe we can't be together for a while, but I'm not exactly looking for anyone else. My heart is set on him, & nobody can change my mind.

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