Friday, March 8, 2013

Everybody Wears One

I just found out that two of my old roommates are locked up for kidnapping & burglary. Somebody who used to be one of my closest friends, but got caught up in some really bad shit... & one of my really close friends ex boyfriends. Its a really uncomfortable thought, knowing I lived in the same apartment, partied with them years ago,  & now they've gone off the deep end. I heard that once of the charges was murder... I don't know if I want to believe that, but you never know what somebody is capable of, no matter who they are. It just goes to show that everyone wears a mask, & only the most extreme situations can show our true character. I honestly hope that when that day comes for me, I'll be strong enough to stay true to myself. I want Ivy to be proud of me... Not ashamed. I hope that the people around me remain true to themselves as well, because so few people are these days... But sometimes, the people you believe to be the cruelest, the most selfish, or the ones that seem to be cold are the ones that under the mask are just hurt, because the ones they loved weren't who they appeared to be. From this point on, I refuse to wear a mask. That way, you can take me as I am or you can watch me as I go, but at least you'll know where you stand with me.

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