Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Do This Fall

This isn't necessarily my GOALS, but rather some things that I'd like to do this season to keep my life interesting, especially while I have the free time before Ivy gets here. Shaun thinks she'll be here before the beginning of December, his Mum is voting the eighth. Ether way, I'm starting to get a little anxious! But what better way to take my mind off of things than keeping myself busy this fall?

1. Carve pumpkins. I know it sounds silly, but I missed out last year & I definitely need to work on my skills with a blade :P

2. Go for a walk & watch the sun set. I find myself rushing way too often lately & I need to slow down & enjoy a few simple joys now & again.

3. Take a trip to Park City with Nicole & spend the day in bookstores & taking photos of all the leaves.

4. Spend a day with friends just taking pictures, getting lost in Salt Lake & being goofy.

5. Try a new recipe. Preferably something with tomatoes. Maybe something like this;

6. Take the time to show my grattitude with thank you cards & letters. Possibly even get creative & make some myself?

7. Indulge in books I've never read before to open my mind & keep it active.

8. Try something new. Maybe attend a fundraiser like or go to a Farmers Market & buy some fruit to make my own jam.

9. Spend more time writing about the things I'm passionate about & less time writing about myself.

10. Get our engagement photos done, but get creative with them & try something that nobody's done before!

And I do believe this concludes my to-do list for the time being. There are so many things I'd love to do this season, but not enough time to write them all down! I want to make the most of the time I have left before my baby girl arrives so that when she IS here, I can look back & be grateful that I made time for these things ahead of time so all my time at that point can be focused on my daughter. Confusing I know, but I'm sure most Mum's know what I'm talking about. Either way, I think I need to focus on enjoying this time instead of trying to get it all over with. Anyone who wants to get involved is MORE than welcome. I'd love the company :)

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