Sunday, September 16, 2012

Roommate Rant

Some people make me so angry... I mean, I've heard of mouthing off, but I am just sick & tired of dealing with all this bullshit. This is a home, not a fucking rapist call center. If you honestly want to talk to all of your creepy little boyfriends, invest in a cell phone because I'm tired of being treated like shit every time I answer the house phone & you aren't here to answer it yourself. Or better yet, how about you stop giving the number out to complete strangers you meet online in general & spend more time focusing on providing for your daughter than finding someone to get in your knickers. It's disgusting, irresponsible, & if you keep it up, you won't have a daughter to take care of. Or a roof over your head for that matter.

I'm tired of your two face behavior. You act like I'm your best friend & then you talk shit behind my back, you talk shit about me to our roommates who know it's all shit anyway, & then you take advantage of all of us & use your daughter to gain our sympathy. You know what? Grow a fucking backbone, learn the difference between real friends & fake ones, attempt to be at least a decent Mother, & spend less time & minutes trying to get laid & more trying to find a job so you can keep a roof over your head. We pay $200 a month for a room without a door that you use as a dumping ground for your baby's diapers & you don't pay shit for a room with a door that you don't keep clean either. You're nineteen years old! Get a fucking job, clean your room, & learn to wipe your baby's ass because we aren't here to do it for you!

Oh, & one more thing. The next time you want to talk shit behind my back, just remember you'e in the perfect position to KISS MY ASS. You're a fucking hypocrite & I'm tired of being so tolerant of you & your big mouth. I know where it's been, & I don't want my name in there. It might get AIDS.

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