Monday, September 17, 2012

For Time & All Eternity

A while ago, when Shaun & I were discussing idea's for our wedding & contemplating the Doctor Who theme, we came across some Tardis inspired rings online. I figured that they were fake, & even though the design was absolutely stunning & caught my attention a little more than I care to admit, I forgot about them up until a few weeks ago. We still hadn't looked at any rings for Shaun, & I wanted to get him one that would be meaningful to the both of us. That ring crossed my mind, so I decided to email the guy who designs them to see if he really does sell them... and what do you know? He actually does. He even does custom designs!

 There are two bands; his & hers, & they are both absolutely gorgeous! I want to get Shaun one more than any other ring I've seen so far, & if we can get the ladies band as well, that'd be even better. I know I want the sapphire & diamond design, & I definitely do want it in silver, although he does do gold designs as well. I just can't imagine finding another ring that's this perfect for him.

They are quite pricey, so I'm hoping that we can get our debts squared off & some money in savings by the time our wedding day rolls around because honestly, even though I wouldn't mind a courthouse wedding, I would like SOMETHING memorable to happen, whether it's a reception or a two day honeymoon. I just want to make the day of our union special, & the courthouse doesn't really scream "memorable" to me... but either way, nothing is taking place until February anyway & we do have our baby to look forward to first. She'll be taking up so much time, our wedding day could fly by & we probably wouldn't even notice! But just having her here after all this time is going to be SO worth it, I just know it.

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