Thursday, September 20, 2012

Give Her the World

I can't wait to be a Mummy... I just keep thinking about everything that I want to do with my daughter & all the different things that other parents do that I do & don't like & what kind of parent I'm going to be, & as overwhelming as it is, it's nice to feel somewhat prepared mentally for it all. I might not have had very much experience with babies growing up, but I do know how I want to raise my child & specific things I want to encourage in her education. That has to count for SOMETHING.


 I want to read to Ivy every chance that I get. My parents read to me, & because of that I was always ahead of my grade in English. They played times tables tapes to me at night & I was YEARS ahead in math when I was barely two years old. As much as I disagree with the way they raised me religiously, educationally they were the most dedicated a parent could possibly be & I couldn't be more grateful for that. They gave me a love for reading & writing that I might never have had if my Dad hadn't read to me every single day.

I really want to play with her outdoors a lot too. I was always an indoor baby & I want our baby girl to love being outside in the sunshine as much as her Daddy. I want her to share his love of hiking & hockey too, because I was never much of an outdoor kid, & my love of sports is non-existent. I want her to love everyting that will help her become a smarter, happier, healthier person as she grows up. Honestly, when it comes down to it I just want her to have the best life has to offer. This is my baby girl we're talking about... & her Mummy & Daddy are going to give her the world.

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