Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coffee Makes Everything Better

Yesterday was probably one of the best days I've had in a while. I think it was because we haven't really had much time together away from the roommates & our families in the past couple months & we just needed some time to be ourselves without anyone else around to distract us. It was the perfect chance to remind us why we loved being together in the first place & it was nice to just be goofy & get lost together just like we used to...

I honestly wasn't planning on spending any money, or being gone all evening for that matter. After my prenatal, we were hit with the urge to go somewhere. Anywhere that wasn't home... so we went to Barnes & Noble for Starbucks. After my pumpkin spice & his mocha frappuchino, we ended up wandering around, looking at books, flipping through magazines & admiring all their games & writing tools, & we even ended up leaving with a souvenir! They had a 50% off sale, & just happened to have a little Joker collectable for $4.00, so I figured I would treat Shaun for once. I think he was pretty happy with it, because when we got home he proudly displayed it on a shelf in our room for all to see. It was pretty cute :)

After our coffee date, we decided to head over to the mall. We hadn't really had the time to wander around in quite some time, so it was nice just to browse through each store, taking in each item & talking with each other like we didn't have a care in the world. Even when the pregnancy emotions started to hit, Shaun was patient with me & reminded me that as long as we have each other, we'll be okay.

We stopped by the apple store to see the new iPhone 5, which was probably the highlight of Shaun's day, knowing he could come home & brag about it to our roommate. I'm not going to lie, I was thoroughly impressed with the new look, but I'd be content owning any phone right now so I'm not sure I'd be the best judge when it came down to it. Hopefully if we can get some work soon, we'll be able to get on Nacho's plan by the end of next month & maybe even get ourselves iPhones! THAT would be a total blessing, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet :)

After the apple store, we browsed through a few clothing stores, reminding each other what we like & what we find completely ridiculous. We looked at pea coats & ties & scarves & hats & I even managed to convince Shaun to come into the maternity store with me to look at jeans. Unfortunately, everything at the mall is out of our price range, but it's always fun to fantasize about owning nice things. Especially when we're selling ours to Plato's Closet but can't even afford the clothes there! Either way, Shaun kept saying that when we start getting money in again, he'll take me shopping. He's too good to me... I wish he knew that just having him is enough for me.

We talked about the future a lot. Especially about Ivy & our wedding. We talked about the engagement photos, & moving with Chantell & Nacho once the lease ends. It was a little overwhelming to be honest, but it was nice to feel like we could finally talk about it without anyone else's input. When we finally got in the door last night, I think we were both a lot happier, much more willing to communicate clearly, & a little more at peace with our surroundings & each other. It was a breath of fresh air, & falling asleep together after weeks of insomnia keeping him awake all night was just what we needed.

I can honestly say I haven't woken up this content in a while, but I'm ready to face whatever curveballs life has waiting for me. I know that I won't have to deal with them alone, & I know that even though things are tough right now, everything will turn out for the best in the long run. Ivy's going to be coming back to a good, safe home & loving parents. She has a plethora of people to help guide her & protect her as she grows up, & she's always going to have her Mum & Dad to provide for her & be her best friend as well as somebody she can rely on & respect. I've never been this mentally prepped before, but now I know that even though I'll make mistakes & I won't be a perfect parent, I'll be the best damn parent I can possibly be, & that'll be more than enough for my baby girl.

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