Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Steampunk Inspiration

I can't get enough of this steampunk! It's just so pretty & unique to me, I want to take it & spin it my way for our wedding... I just have to figure out how. I love all the cogs & the rustic victorian style, but I don't want to incorporate it TOO much so we completely lose the original Doctor Who tweak we were going to throw in there so I want to figure out how to combine the two without going overboard, & I have to keep in mind our location & certain arrangements that we already decided on.

I already knew that I wanted to design my own dress, & as much a I wanted to keep it somewhat simple, I really want it to stand out too. I want to come up with something that nobody has ever done before, which isn't easy these days. I definitely don't want white AT ALL, but I don't want to look like a bridesmaid either - which is why I'm considering going for a champagne colored dress with a Tardis Blue corset & some really out of this world heels. Hell, I might even design my own veil/headpiece. You never know ;)

I'm also considering having cogs of all sizes scattered here & there througout the decor. I want to keep the steampunk influence to a minimal, but it's so tempting to get carried away with it! I especially love the top hats & the jewelry. Those are two things I do want to incorporate. At least with my own getup.... I just want it to be special & unique to us & our relationship.

It's not too far off you know... our wedding day I mean. I guess it is if we're taking it day by day, but keeping in mind that Ivy Rose is due in less than three months & the wedding is taking place when she's barely two months old, it seems much much closer. I can't believe I'm going to be a Mum, & a wife in less than six months! It sounds silly, but I'm starting to feel old. Not OLD old, but older. It's like I'm finally making the transition from teenager to adult, (although you won't catch me saying that out loud). But I do feel more mature, mentally & physically. Maybe thats a good thing?


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