Monday, July 30, 2012

The Best I Can Be

I'm quickly learning to stop caring about everybody else's drama. I was a part of it for so long... in fact, I was the cause of it 90% of the time. Since Ivy became a part of our lives, the only things I'm concerned with is my family, a real home, & finding real friends that actually care about our well being. Anyone who wants to leave a negative impact on our lives isn't welcome. No exceptions.

Now that we've gotten rid of all the obnoxious trash that haunted us for so long, we're finally able to move forward & begin new lives together. We actually have goals & we aspire to be the best we can be, whereas before Ivy came along we could have cared less about who we were or what we did or what consequences we would suffer because we lived in that mindset. Now I finally feel free. Free & happy. That's something I haven't felt in a long time, if ever.

I can honestly say that I can't wait to get into our own place & start our own routine. Live by our own rules & let our actions define who we are, not our friends or family. I've craved a normal lifestyle for months. I haven't had a bedroom or even a bed in God knows how long, & being able to do Yoga without kids running around distracting me would be a fucking God given gift. I would be in Heaven at that point.

Well hopefully we don't have too long to wait... we've been trying so hard to find work, & as long as this job with Aaron works out, we should be on our way to a better future. Just me, Shaun, & our precious little Ivy.

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