Monday, July 16, 2012


Our lives have really turned around since we hitchhiked back home from Wyoming. We started out living in a musty old truck with two dogs & all of our belongings, spending all day every day standing by the freeway holding a sign so we could afford to eat & walking everywhere from Sandy to Salt Lake looking for work... & after several months of that miserable experience, here we are. We have a roof over our heads. We have my parents feeding us & driving us to & from our appointments. We both have jobs & the opportunity to excel in them. We have everything we didn't dare dream of having a month ago, & it won't be long until we have our own place & our own vehicle.

I'm so grateful for everything that's been happening to us lately. I never thought that in my position, I'd be able to get a job. Especially my dream job! Now look at me. I'm making $15.00 an hour! I can get our engagement photo's & my baby belly photo's done for free! I can actually do more than contribute to our little family. I would never have had that opportunity if it weren't for Kim. She's been such an incredible friend to us. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

 I can't wait to find out the gender of our little gremlin so I can finally tell her! I'm still so sure it'll be a girl, but either way I'll be happy. I know Kim's dying to spoil her God baby & Shaun will be wrapped around his/or her little finger, no matter what the gender is! As for me, I just can't wait to be a Mum.

Thank God we still have some time before the baby comes, so we can be prepared. We still have a wedding to plan & we have to find an apartment suited to our needs, as well as finding a reliable vehicle that we can afford. Everything's so hectic, but at least we're moving forward. Something I don't think we've ever been able to do before. We've grown up a lot in the past couple months. Hell, even in the past few weeks we've become entirely different people. We've finally figured out what actually matters & we're doing what we can to make the best of every situation that comes up. We make the most of each other & we support each other, & that's why we'll go far.

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