Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All The Things in My Head

There's so much on my mind that I'm not sure how to begin putting any of it into words. I'm swamped with idea's, I'm drowning in complications, & I'm suffocating under the weight of everything that has yet to happen. I'm not sure how to handle it all, or any of it really. I just want to crawl out from under it & hide until it's all over. It's a shame that none of it can really happen without me, or that might have been a possibility. I guess I'm stuck facing my fears... & trying not to break under the almighty pressure.

Tomorrow is the only day I have really been looking forward to something. Tomorrow I find out if I'm going to be the Mother of a baby girl or boy & I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

I honestly never thought I could be a Mum, & now here I am - gushing over onesies & longing for the money to buy my baby anything & everything I see on the shelves. It's the best feeling in the world. Especially knowing that I have the world's most devoted, loving fiancée by my side to be a part of our baby's life with me. Not very many young Mum's have that, so I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

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