Sunday, June 10, 2012

Baby Love

Sometimes it feels like we'll never get out of here... like we're trapped by our past & the chains are just to tight to struggle free. Sometimes it hurts to think about leaving this all behind, but then I remember that we have a new beginning waiting for us on the other side of the pond. There's always something better out there, but we both know that the grass is definitely greener on the other side.

It's kind of scary to think about leaving the country & starting a new life with Shaun & raising our baby on our own. We're still young, but we have some of the most difficult decisions to make, & some of the hardest lessons to learn. I'm just grateful that we have each other. I know I could never do this on my own, & I'm so so lucky to have the world's most dedicated Father by my side. Our child will have the best life we can possibly give them. I might not feel ready to be a Mum, but I know that I'll do my very best to give this baby everything s/he needs.

Before this baby came along, I didn't have a care in the world. I would smoke, I would drink, I would occasionally do drugs. I didn't care about myself much or my future. Now, everything's changed. I set goals for myself, I worry about the kind of environment s/he'll be raised in, I want to find a good job so I can get them everything you could possibly need, I quit smoking, I won't touch alcohol. I'd never even consider using drugs. I want to do everything in my power to make our baby proud to call me Mum.